Robert M. Kitchin

Robert M. Kitchin, 83, of Laramie, passed away on January 5, 2025. He was born June 3, 1941.

A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date in California.

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Condolences (6)

  • Chris S Moser, MD

    My sincerest condolences on your profound loss. I too, am shook and saddened by his passing. I knew Bob since the late 1970's, first as a student in his genetics class and then as one his graduate students. I will always be grateful for his mentorship and friendship. May he rest in peace. God bless us all.

  • Cindy March

    Jane and Family, I am so sorry to hear of Bob's passing. I truly enjoyed working with both of you while we built your house on top of the summit. You were the best clients! May your memories fill your hearts with joy as Bob loved you so much.

  • Darlene Cesko

    I'm so sorry to hear of Bobs passing. Sending prayers to you and your family. 🙏❤️

  • Colleen Flores

    My heart is broken. Thinking and praying for Jane and the family! Big hugs to you all! With all my love. Colleen

  • Anonymous

    Bob was a good friend of my buddy Bob Atherton. I always considered Prof . Kitchin a fine colleague.

  • Laura Gaddis

    Bob was my Genetics lab instructor in 1970 at the University of Wyoming. Good guy.... My thoughts and prayers to his family.


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