On May 3, 2024, Rachel Hageman Rubino passed on from this world into the Kingdom of Heaven with her savior, Jesus Christ. She was surrounded by her husband Jim, and her two sons, Sam and Joe, who read scriptures to her.
Rachel was born on September 11, 1959 in Douglas, Wyoming to James and Marion Hageman. She grew up on a ranch in Goshen County, Wyoming with her brothers, Jimmy, Hugh, and Dewey, and sisters Julie and Harriet. A graduate of Lingle-Fort Laramie High School, Rachel attended the University of Wyoming in Laramie, where she met her husband Jim. They married in 1987 and together they built a wonderful life in Laramie. She was an educator, politico, hostess, and above all, a devoted wife, mom, and grandma.
Rachel was a champion of education. She followed in the footsteps of her parents, both of whom were deeply involved in the public school system. Rachel received her BA in Education from the University of Wyoming in 1981, and went on to earn certificates in social studies and special education. She began a 40-year career with the Albany County School District, serving as a paraeducator, special education teacher, and finally as an IEP case-manager. Known as Mrs. Rubino, she was regarded as a master educator, especially in reading and writing. She was an advocate for her students and their families, providing academic, emotional, and even financial support. She provided holiday meals and presents to families in need, and she fought for the right of all kids, regardless of their background or circumstances, to receive a quality education. She saw the good in kids when no one else could, and many of her students regarded her as a surrogate mom. Mrs. Rubino perfectly blended quality instruction, high expectations, and compassion in order to deliver a world-class education to multiple generations of students.
Rachel was a force in Wyoming conservative and grassroots politics. She served in many roles in the Albany County Republican Party, and for years as a member of the Wyoming State Central Committee, where she maintained countless and long-lasting friendships. She counseled and advised many campaigns and policymakers around the state, and volunteered hundreds of hours walking door-to-door for various campaigns and initiatives. In 2015, she was honored to receive the Volunteer of the Year Award for her tireless efforts for the Wyoming GOP. She loved Wyoming, and was delighted when events required her to travel throughout the state. Her institutional knowledge of Wyoming politics and history was unmatched. Rachel was a patriot who loved our country and its founding principles, and she fought hard to preserve them.
Some of Rachel’s best traits included her warm personality, inviting home, and ability to make everyone she met feel important. A voracious reader, Rachel devoured the news, novels, and all things interior design. Rachel’s house was filled with beautiful things. Like many in her family, she had an eye for style, antiques, art, and Americana. She used her home to love others, whether it be for hosting large celebrations or for providing a safe-haven for those who needed intimate conversation, counsel, and encouragement. A wonderful cook, she never sent people away empty-handed, and showed her love through the gift of cooking Sunday bacon, muffins after church, and other delicious goodies. Although generous with others, Rachel set an example with her wisdom in handling money and investments, imparting her wise counsel to others. She was entrepreneurial, and enjoyed selling crafts and rare treasures that she found at garage sales. In all, Rachel’s warmth, optimism, sense of humor, and wisdom embodied a rich life. She regularly remarked, “I am so blessed”.
Chief among the blessings she enjoyed was her family. Rachel and Jim raised two sons, Sam and Joe, to whom she was devoted. They then welcomed two beloved daughters-in-law, Rhiannan and Jessie. Rachel got to experience the full joy of being a grandma with the arrival of her two precious grandbabies, Simeon and Ruth. Her happiest moments were spent with her family at the dining room table, sharing stories and imparting her wise perspectives on life, relationships, and current events. She believed that family was the foundation of a free and moral society, and she worked tirelessly to ensure that her own felt safe, healthy, and loved. She was exceptionally proud of her boys, and she was devoted to her husband Jim. She loved her family with a steadfastness that cannot be described and will never be forgotten.
Rachel understood objective, universal truth, which informed her teaching style, her convictions, her love of others, her devotion to her family, and ultimately her decision to follow Christ. She enjoyed His peace, especially in the past few months, as she learned to walk with Him and study His Word. She knew that she was saved through His death and resurrection, and we trust that she is with Him today in Paradise.
A memorial celebrating Rachel’s life will be held on May 19th, 2024 at 2:00pm at the Alice Hardie Stevens Center in Laramie. Memorial donations can be made to her church, Calvary Laramie.
I lost touch with Rachel when I moved from Laramie a few years ago and was devasted to hear of her passing. I feel so grateful that I had the opportunity to know Rachel. She was a walking, talking embodiment of what it means to be friend and a devoted American citizen. She took civic involvement so seriously and instilled in me some of her optimism that win or lose, just being in the fight makes a difference. She and I did not always agree, but she always listened and considered my point of view. On things we did agree, she challenged me to think even more deeply and critically. She believed in everyone's humanity and especially in the potential of young people. Rachel was so kind, so curious about the world, and so thoughtful towards others. Her sense of humor was a joy, her smile a ray of sunshine. I last saw her at the Laramie Post Office, I had moved to Cheyenne and was back in Laramie just ofr a day, just by chance she was going in and I was coming out, and it was like winning a prize to get to talk to Rachel for a few minutes on a hectic day of errands. Her conversation was so kind and easy and bright. Rachel was pure sunshine.
Dear Rubino Family, I was devastated to learn that Rachel had passed while I was away and am so sorry for your loss. She was such a positive person who always had a smile and a kind word. I was blessed to work with her at the Jr High and especially enjoyed her help when Sam was in my class and she worked with me to provide him with a safe and healthy experience in the foods lab. May God Bless you and your families. Karen Bard
I was saddened today when learning of Rachel's passing. We became acquainted when a condo was purchased in my complex for Sam and Joe to live in during their college years. At a later time she asked me if I was connected to the Latta family in Ft. Laramie. I enjoyed all of our conversations regardless of the topic. -Marguerite Latta
Jim, Sam & Joe - your wife and mother will be missed, she was a very good person. May her faith, and yours, carry you through these times.
Jim, Sam, Joe, Rhiannon, Jessie, Simeon and Ruth; What a privilege it was to know your Rachel. Every conversation, whether it was regarding politics, history, education or family was always uplifting and positive. We are more than delighted to know that she put her faith and trust into our Lord Jesus as her Savior. It is with great hope and joy that we anticipate seeing her again in Glory. May our Lord strengthen, encourage and comfort each of you as you too, await that great Heavenly reunion! With much love and respect, Mike and Jenny Schilt and Family
Jim, Joe and Sam, such sad news to hear of Rachel’s passing. I know you all as neighbors and remember seeing Jim and Rachel walking around the park in the evenings. Rachel always had a smile and a kind word. She will be missed.
What sad news; I wanted to express my sincere sympathy to Rachel's family. She was such a kind, intelligent, wonderful person who will be dearly missed. My deepest sympathies go out to her family and friends left behind. I am certain her legacy will live on through you.
My sympathies and prayers to Rachel's family. Her spirit and love will carry on with the many friends and family who were lucky enough to know her. May God hold her in the palm of his hand until we all meet again.
Sam, Joe, Jim and family, I had the pleasure of bring one of many who had Rachel as my special education practicum mentor. It was here where I learned about Step up to Writing and how to teach writing effectively, along with seeing what it looks like to have a deep passion for this field and unfailingly love, appreciate and celebrate students. I also was able to work with her at the middle school while she was a case manager. Beyond this, I always witnessed her love for her family. Sam and Joe- she was so proud of you. She talked about you both all the time, and her face lit up each and every time. I remember, while at Spring Creek, her telling me about how much she loved attending ski meets, preparing food, and being a champion for her kids. She talked about all the books she read with Sam and Joe and the memories made while reading. She was overflowing with love for her family and shouted it from the rooftops. Sam, she loved teaching side by side with you in ESY and was so proud of your ability to teach any and all. Joe, she was so proud of where your career is heading. She loved her grandchildren dearly and couldn't wait to be a grandma. Being your wife, your mom, your mother-in-law, and your grandmother filled her heart with an overflowing abundance of love. Prayers for you and all. I believe that Rachel is dancing at the feet of our Lord and Savior rejoicing in all of His glory. Her legacy will live through so many but especially her family. She was one of a kind and wanted to make the world a better place, which she did. She will always be remembered as being humble and kind and being admirably strong in her convictions. The world needs more Rachels.
I was saddened to hear of the passing of Mrs. Robino. She always greeted me with her wonderful smile and made one feel like you were special. She worked with my children at the middle school and was so special in helping with their growth. She also reached out to me and kept me informed. When I would see her in the community, she always was so happy to see me and to catch up with each others lives. We had a great visit when we bumped into each other last month. She will be missed by so many!. My condolences are sent to her family. Cristina Ruiz
Dear Rubino and Hageman Family, I had the privilege of first meeting Rachel when completing a practicum for a special education class. After graduating we became colleagues and I was grateful for the continued opportunity to work with her. Even after switching positions and buildings, she remained a trusted resource and confidant throughout my time with Albany Co. I appreciated her passion, deep care, and advocacy. I imagine her loss will be felt by many, and my thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time. Peace be with you.
My prayers are with your family during this time. I had the pleasure of working with Rachel at the Junior high. She was a dear colleague and friend who always showed love and compassion in all that she did. I always appreciated her willingness to share her knowledge and expertise. She will be greatly missed.
Rubin and Hageman family I am so sorry for your loss. It was a privilege to work with Rachel. She always made time for others. My heart is broken to hear of her passing but know she left behind many memories to be cherished. My prayers are with you during this trial. May God show you His amazing grace.
Jim, Sam, Joe, Rhiannan, and Jessie, I am very saddened by the news of Rachel's passing , and my heart goes out to you. In the short time that I got to know her, she blessed me mightily. She was also so proud of you all. There wasn't a single conversation that we ever had, that at least one of your names didn't come up in such fondness. She was all about her family. I will be keeping you all in my prayers.
I am sorry to hear of Rachel’s passing. I had the pleasure of working with her so many years ago at the Brown & Gold. She was such a kind and caring person. I pray God’s peace and comfort for your family.
Jim, Sam, and Joe; I just learned of Rachel's passing and am reeling from the news. We just ran into each other at the hospital a few weeks ago and chatted about her illness and my situation. Please accept my very heartfelt condolences to you and the new Rubinos.
Dear Rubino and Hageman Family, Rachel was my mentor, dear friend, and confidant. Written words were so very important to her that I struggle to encapsulate exactly what she meant to me. She modeled how to treasure and see how special every single student was that we encountered. I had the opportunity to be with Rachel every day at work and hear about her family and the love and admiration she had for her sons, husband, grandchildren, siblings, parents, and extended family. We got to laugh (she was hilarious, and her stories are some I hold dear), cry and connect. I will miss her greatly but also take every lesson that she graciously taught me and carry it into my career and life. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time. May your beautiful soul rest in peace Rachel.
Oh Rachel. This news blew mind my mind and broke my heart, as well as boys' hearts. You were always so positive and helped me with so many difficult days with the kids. You will always have a very special place in my heart as well as the kids'. Rest in paradise you beautiful soul you.
Rachel was a gift from God for so many. She would lighten up a room by just walking in. I loved her geniune nature and sincere compassion for all who she knew and met. As an fellow teacher, I looked up to Rachel and learned a great deal from her. Please accept our sincere condolences. May the Lord hold you close and bring peace and comfort.
Mark & I are saddened to hear of Rachel’s passing. Our prayers and love go out to all of you. May God’s peace be with you.
I was shocked and saddened to hear of Rachels passing . My last conversation with her was when she stopped to visit us when my son Andy was hospitalized in Casper after a sever motor cycle accident she stopped by to offer her best wishes and encouragement, that meant lot to us. Although our get togethers were not frequent they were always pleasant I just want to let her family know how sorry I am to hear of their loss. Tom Malvin
Sending love to the Rubino family. Rachel has always been close in my heart - she helped me learn to be a mom when I was a young mom and taking care of Sam. She was kind, compassionate and a champion for kids. She will be greatly missed. Tanya Wall
Our deepest sympathy to Rachel’s family, as you are in our thoughts. Rachel was always on the lookout for ways to assist others, and was always sensitive to others’ cries for assistance. Her compassion for others was only matched by her professionalism. Find peace in knowing that others share in your loss.
With deepest sympathy.
David and I send our condolences to the Rubino family, especially to our dear friends-Sam, Rhiannan, and their son. As time passes, may cherished memories bring comfort and peace.
Rachel and I worked together in the 90’s. I really enjoyed her personally and loved how she worked with kids.
To Rachel's Family; Rachel was an advocate's advocate. Does it get any better then this?? I think not. May you be comforted by all the impact Rachel had on others. She will not be forgotten.
My deepest sympathy to Rachel’s family. She was a beautiful soul. Prayers and love.
Joe, Jessie, and the entire Rubino and Hageman family. I am deeply saddened for your loss. My prayers are with you all as you go through these difficult days. I know that Rachel was a Christian, so take comfort that she is with Jesus and that some day we will all see her once again. My God Bless and comfort you all
Rubino family, I'm so, so sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences. Jamie Egolf
I’m so saddened to hear of Rachel’s passing. I had the pleasure of working with her at the Jr. High. She was always so kind and caring about the students and such a valuable team player. She will be greatly missed.
Our deepest condolences to the Rubino family. Rachel's legacy will live on through her dedicated service to ACSD students, parents, and staff. She has set the bar for them to strive for compassion, kindness, and caring for all humans. Knowing her husband Jim and her s9ns, they too will strive to honor Rachel and her legacy no matter where they go or what they are doing. Sending continued prayers to all her family as they prepare to celebrate Rachel's life and all she accomplished in such a short time. God Bless you as you heal, treasure your memories, and move forward.
Rachel was the resource room teacher for our son, Ryan, many years ago when we put him into school from homeschool. She was so kind to him and our family and holds a special place in our hearts. Our hearts hurt with yours as she will be greatly missed in our Laramie community. Praying for God’s peace and comfort for all of you.
Jim, Sam, Joe and Family: We knew Rachel through Jim who has taken such good care of us for many years. We loved seeing and talking to all of the family over the years. Behind every good man (family), is a good woman. We continue to pray every day for Gods peace during your loss. We love care very much for all of you and wish we could be there. This verse looks at what is to come and is meant to give us hope, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21-4 Our prayer for the family, “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 God Bless all of you, Brain and Wendy Stevenson
I am so sorry to hear of Rachel’s passing. I would like to extend my deepest condolences to her family. I had the honor of working with Rachel for many years. She was so down-to-earth, kind, and compassionate. She had a unique ability to calm and comfort all those around her. Rachel, rest in peace and thank you for all the amazing things you did for myself and many others.
Jim, Sam and Joe and families, Our deepest sympathies go out to you with the loss of your wife and mom. We had the pleasure of knowing and working with Rachel at Spring Creek school and in building the addition to your house. Rachel was very caring and compassionate. We always enjoyed our conversations with Rachel. May all your memories comfort you at this time. Jeff and Cindy March
It broke my heart to read of Rachel's passing. She was one of the most compassionate human beings and educators that I have blessed to have ever known. Her advocacy for students was done because of her commitment to their needs and was based on her intelligence, determination and commitment to each one's particular circumstances.. She truly cared about each and every student.. I taught both of hers and Jim's sons, Sam and Joe and they later was thankful for their volunteering as Junior Docents for us at the Ivinson Mansion at the Laramie Plains Museum. Her kindness and gentleness and smile made your day whenever you encountered this amazing person. I also had the great honor of co-teaching summer school one year. I learned so much from her. Rest in Peace dear friend. YOU have made the world a better place. Your friend, Dan Nelson
Jim, Sam and Joe, I cannot express what a loss Rachel’s passing is for Laramie; let alone my kids and I. Our hearts are so broken for you all and many prayers are sent up for you. God bless and keep you. Love, Judy Scott
I am so sorry to hear of Rachel's passing. I worked with her at Laramie Jr. High and appreciated her kindness, intelligence, and hard work. She was a dedicated advocate for students, parents, and teachers and always had a bright smile for everyone.
So many of us were blessed to work with Rachel in the school district. She was a blessing to families that she advocated for and staff that she shared her expertise with. We met up by happenstance a couple of weeks ago and had a wonderful visit. I am so sorry to hear of her passing and send love and prayers to her family.
Rubino Family, it was an honor and privilege to work with Rachel and to call her friend. She was a true advocate for students; she believed in all. My heart is broken at her passing, but know she has left behind a legacy. My prayers are with you all during this difficult time. May God wrap you in His Amazing Grace.
My sincere sympathy goes out to Rachel’s family. We knew each other when she was a customer at a business we owned. I’ve never forgotten her kindness to me and my husband when he became ill and she brought flowers. She’ll surely be missed by all who knew her. So so sorry for this great loss.
Rachel was a champion of kindness, leadership, and strength for those whose path she crossed. I will never forget the kindness, leadership, and strengths she shared with me. She will not be forgotten.
My condolences to Rachel's family and friends. My thoughts and prayers for comfort and peace are with all.
I am sending my thoughts and prayers to the Rubino family. I met Rachel when she and the family came to look at our rental in 1991 across from Slade School. They ended up buying the house. I am so sorry to hear this. Every time I would see Rachel we would always stop and have a conversation. I was unaware that she was sick Rest in peace Rachel and may your family find some peace with great memories.
Sam, Joe and Jim, I am so saddened to see the passing of your mom & wife. She worked hard for our family as an ACSD1 case manager. She brought her professionalism to the table with love, compassion and intelligence and humor! I have always admired and respected her. I am honored to have known and worked with her. Much love to you all in this very sad time. Sincerely, Rick Skagen & Family
My sympathy to Rick and. Family.Always nice when. We talked. RIP.
My condolences. You were the best teacher. Prayers for your loved ones
To Rachel's family. I send love and prayers to everyone in her family. She was a dear classmate with compassion, love, and she was so much fun. I am so sorry for our loss of a wonderful person.
Sam, Joe, and Rhianna, my heartfelt condolences for the loss of your mother and mother-in-law. I wish you peace and comfort in these difficult days.
Sam and Joe- so sorry to read about the passing of your mom! She was always so nice and pleasant to me. My thoughts are with you and your family. Dr. Debbi Anderson
The news of your passing blows my mind. You were a wonderful teacher, you got me into reading and now I am an author. Thank you for all you did for me growing up and for my kids. May you rest easy!