Jeremy Zubik passed away on September 19, 2017 after an extended bout with cancer while fighting insurmountable odds. Due to advances in science, research and his will to never give up he was able to extend his life another 10 years from the time he was first diagnosed at age 17. He was born on March 2, 1990 with his fraternal twin brother Corey. He spent his first two years of life in Big Timber, Montana and then moved to Cody, Wyoming where he lived through High School. He attended Northwest College in Powell, Wyoming and received an A.S. in Science. He moved to Laramie, Wyoming where he took various classes, worked, played and met many people. This was where he called home.
Jeremy was introduced to the outdoors early by his family and he loved to be outside. He was inspired by high places. His favorite passions were skateboarding and snowboarding. Although extremely difficult sports to master and very hard on your body, he became an expert at both through hard work, determination, and dedication. He also liked to rifle and bow hunt, upland bird hunt, fish, backpack, ride his motorcycle and just be outside.
During the non-snow months he worked for the U.S. Forest Service on the Laramie Ranger District timber crew marking trees and helping administer timber sales. He also planted trees and fought fires. His efforts helped produce sustainable timber resources for future generations while taking care of the land. He was extremely well liked and respected by his coworkers. He was well known for his upbeat attitude and dry sense of humor. He had a strong work ethic. As a result, he became part of the Forest Service family. During the winter months Jeremy worked at the Snowy Range Resort outside of Laramie as a snowboard instructor. Again, he touched the lives of many coworkers and students he helped to improve and become accomplished snowboarders. He worked hard and played hard.
Jeremy was a tough, determined young man. He was a fighter always pushing the limits of his capabilities. Although he had numerous surgeries and chemotherapy treatments that were extremely detrimental to his overall health and body he rarely complained. As soon as he was able, he would be right back outdoors doing the activities he loved. Although life can be extremely harsh and unfair he would pick up the pieces and move on.
Throughout his 27 years of life on this earth Jeremy left his mark with his many friends, family, coworkers and caregivers. The skateboarders and snowboarders who shredded with Jeremy helped him recover from his injuries and sickness and reminded him that life is too short to whine about what has happened in the past. He always seized the day with his tenacity and resilience. He was a unique individual whose life was cut way too short. He was a true hero.
In lieu of gifts, donations or flowers when you are outside doing something you enjoy take a moment to think of Jeremy, reflect on his life and what he stood for.
Jeremy is survived by his father and mother Ray and Donna Zubik, his sister Cassie Ingraham, and his fraternal twin brother Corey Zubik. He is also survived by many aunts, uncles, and cousins.
A memorial service celebrating his life will be held on the Medicine-Bow National Forest at a later date.
I have been thinking about Jeremy a lot the last couple of days. Memories I had that I hadn’t thought about in a long time. It prompted me to look up his obituary. And it happens to be his birthday today. Maybe he lead me here. I met Jeremy as a sophomore in high school. We were in a special class, or so they told us. We found out soon after that it was a class for slackers and goof offs that needed to learn job skills because they feared for our futures. I sat behind him the first day and we got partnered up for an assignment. To say we hit it off immediately is an understatement. It was like we truly understood each other in an instant. Our sense of humors mirrored each other perfectly. I hadn’t felt so seen my entire life. We took nothing seriously, making a mockery out of every ridiculous thing they had us do. He made everything better in that class. I had never looked so forward to going to school as I did that semester. We lost touch for a bit once it ended. I missed my friend. Then randomly, when MySpace was still a thing before Facebook ultimately took over, I reached out to him. He was in college at Northwest and deciding what he wanted to do with his life. Our messages were long, peppered with humor. But, for the first time, we were completely transparent with one another. We shared secrets we never talked about with anyone. We talked about our real dreams, not the ones we told people we thought they wanted to hear. It was like I could finally admit what I really wanted out of life and not be judged for it, but embraced and celebrated for it. The years went by and we slowly lost touch again. When I learned of his passing, I was devastated. Although we had not spoken in years, I had always considered him a special friend. I can’t believe how lucky I was that at one point in my life, I knew someone like him. It didn’t matter how brief or long ago him and I had ditched class to watch Fergie music videos at my house. Knowing him changed my life and I will always hold those moments in my heart forever. Jeremy, thanks for always making me laugh. I hold you in the highest regard and hope someday we can meet again. Maybe we can finally open that nightclub with Hans and Sven.
Ray, Donna and family We were so saddened to learn of your son’s death. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you! Ron and Darlene McKnight
My deepest sympath, Im hoping that your sorrow is short and that all the good memories of Jeremy stay forever. We should all learn from Jeremy, life can be to short, learn to live each day like its the your last. Spend some time with family and freinds or enjoying a passion, I think Jeremy would feel it would be a good way to remember him.
Dear Ray and Donna, Please accept our sympathy on the loss of Jeremy. He certainly did put up a battle! What a fighter! We cannot imagine losing a child. But his legacy will live on. You can read it here in all the wonderful comments of condolences. And we will always think of him in our outdoor adventures. Much love to you. And prayers for strength and peace.
After hearing of Jeremy's passing, I am truly at a loss for words. He was one of my very first friends at Northwest College in Powell back in 2008. To say that he touched my life would be an understatement. He was quite possibly the funniest, wittiest guy on that campus, and he had a way of bringing everyone such joy and laughter. I extend my deepest sympathies to you, Zubik family. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so very sorry for your loss.
Zubik family, so sorry for your loss. To loss a son so young is such a tragedy. May your memories of him and how many loves he touched bring comfort to you and "the God of all comfort who comforts us in all our trials" 2 Corinthians 1:2,3 be with you.
Very sad to hear of Jeremy's passing - I only knew him for a short while when we were teenagers, but I had heard awhile back he had taken Ill and decided today to check in. He was from my experience, a kind soul. My condolences to his family and friends...
That smile ...........It was taken away far too soon but will not be forgotten. May the four of you find some solace in the memory of that smile and the courage with which he faced a long hard battle. Judy and Jim
So sorry Ray and family, our thoughts are with you. Mike and Cindy Catterton.
Words do not come easily to express our feelings for your loss, but know you are in our thoughts and prayers. We extend our deepest condolences and pray God will comfort you and ease your pain as you go forward. Jeremy was in my class at the middle school and his brilliant smile that always lit up the room and his sense of humor will definitely be missed.
So sorry for your loss Zubik family. You raised an amazing person. Our Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Having known you Jeremy it was a great pleasure in my life. We worked together off and on and when you did get to spend time helping us with things up front it was always a great time because of your positive attitude and wonderful sense of humor. You are missed and we will never forget that bright smile you always brought with you making our live a brighter place when we were all together. My condolences to your close friends and family. God Bless.
Not a day goes by that I don't think about him. He impacted my life in a way that few other patients every have. I truly felt like he was part of my family. I want to thank Ray, Donna, Cassie and Corey for allowing me to not only be a part of Jeremy's life but also yours. Without Jeremy I would not have had the opportunity to get to know all of you. My heart is with each of you and Jeremy is watching out for each and every one of us! Love to you all! Cheryl Rodgers
Our heartfelt condolences to Ray, Donna, Cassie and Corey. I cannot imagine losing a child and especially one that seemed to have lived life to the fullest. Know that our thoughts are with you all during this time and into the future. - Joe Neal
Condolences to Ray and Donna and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this time. We hope that you can find peace as you go forward. Take care. Ann & Bryan Armel
Sending my condolences ?
My heartfelt condolences to Ray and Donna, as well as to his sister Cassie and brother Corey. I first met Ray and Donna nearly 40 years ago while attending Montana State University and we have remained good friends ever since. Unfortunately, our paths crossed less frequently after they moved from Big Timber to Cody and as a result I never got the opportunity to get to know Jeremy. This doesn’t however diminish the remorse I feel for the family in their loss. To lose a love one at such a young age is difficult. Regardless, let’s never forget and forever cherish his spirit.
Ray & Donna - we can't imagine the pain of losing a child. There are no simply no words. Please know your entire family is in our hearts and prayers.
I remember the first day I met Jeremy. He came to the Best Western to interview for a job in Housekeeping. He was a hard working kid! I think he was 15 or 16. He always had a great attitude no matter what. What a crew that summer! Jeremy, Corey, Wes, Levi and Johny. You guys cracked me up!! Jeremy you will be missed Steph Steph
Deepest sympathy to the family. I taught Jeremy and Corey math in 6th grade. They were amazing young men then and it sounds like that has continued. May your memories be healing for your hearts. Brenda Farmer
Jeremy will be missed by myself and our family. It has been a long time since we spent time together yet I have many fond memories.
Home town hero, legend. As teenagers, we spent years pushing each other at the Cody Skatepark, talking or skating to new levels. The skate scene would not have been as memorable or as fun without Jeremy. He was the most talented on a skateboard and the most witty - we looked up to him for that. He was definitely the most respected of our group. His zero fucks to give attitude was inspiring to me. He was literally the first guy to wear skinny jeans at Cody High School... they were quite tight!! You wouldn't believe the judgment he received for his jeans, but he owned it and that even led to a fist fight once between Jeremy and a classmate in City Park... of course, the two of them became best friends down the road. My Dad called him "Michael Jackson" for his long hair and rockstar demeanor and our PE teacher called him "Rat Zubic" for who knows why. The guy was a character. He took the mic once at a skate contest and gave commentary that felt more like a stand-up routine full of witty inside jokes and punchlines timed perfectly... it was the highlight of the contest. Hmm, he may have gotten first place that year? I haven't seen him in a few years and It's a strange feeling living in a world without the possibility of spending time with him again. You will always be remembered. You will be celebrated. -Levi
I extend my deepest sympathy and condolence to the Zubik family for the loss of their son and brother, Jeremy. Though I did not know Jeremy, his father Ray was a USFS colleague while we were employed with the agency. May the best memories of Jeremy during the twenty-seven years of his life bring the Zubik family degree of comfort and tranquility during their journey to understand and cope with the magnitude of their loss.