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Donald W. Boyd

Donald Wilkin Boyd, Ph.D., a longtime resident of Laramie, Wyoming, died Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at his home following a brief illness. He was 92 years old. Dr. Boyd lived, worked, and gave of himself to others in ways appreciated by many and unknown to most. He was beloved by many friends with whom he worked and shared his passion for life.

Dr. Boyd was born on November 1, 1927 in Newark, Ohio, the only son of Frew and Ruth Boyd, both of whom were teachers. Eighteen-year-old Don joined the United States Army in 1945 immediately after high school and served internationally for two years. He received a Bachelor of Science from The Ohio State University in 1949 and a Doctor of Philosophy from Columbia University in 1957.  Both degrees were in Geology. Dr. Boyd joined the faculty at the University of Wyoming in 1956 after teaching for three years at Union College in Schenectady, New York. While teaching at the University of Wyoming, he met his future wife Margaret, who then was a professor in the UW’s Department of Family and Consumer Sciences. Margaret died of cancer in 2012. They had no children.

Don Boyd joined the University of Wyoming Geology Department in 1956 and retired in 1993. During his 37 years on UW’s faculty, Dr. Boyd supervised 52 graduate students. His own research centered on historical geology of the marine realm, involving field work on six continents. His research pioneered studies on some of Earth’s most ancient life-forms. Don taught courses in historical geology, invertebrate paleontology, and various aspects of sedimentary geology. His lectures were characterized by a high degree of organization, clarity, enthusiasm, and sense of humor. His door was always open to students, and a visit with Don was an opportunity to interact with a truly outstanding geologist and person who was always interested in his visitor’s concerns. Don received well-deserved recognition on campus as well as nationally. He received the University of Wyoming Trustees Award of Merit (joint with his beloved wife, Margaret); UW College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Former Faculty Award; and American Association of Petroleum Geologists Grover E. Murray Memorial Distinguished Educator Award.

Although Don was deeply religious, he innovatively put those interests together with full application to evolutionary theory — he brought all of that diversity together, without hesitation, into the classroom.

Anyone who really knew Don recognized that he could have made a living as a humorist. He had a genuinely sharp wit! But it was never cutting, and always the fun was related to an incredible wealth of personal stories about individuals he had known through his long life.

He was a man of regular schedules that were resistant to alteration. At least in his later years, he always read The Economist cover-to-cover. Television hardly existed in his world

Until suffering damage from a catastrophic fall in his last years, Don remained physically fit, walking to and from campus daily. People in good health, even two decades more youthful, could not keep up with his intense and powerful stride. That almost lifelong strength and good health was due in large part to love and care from his beloved Margaret and, following her death, by all-encompassing daily care by the Boyds’ colleague and faithful friend, Mona Gupton.

Don Boyd lived by the principle that there is no greater gift than to give of oneself.   Don Boyd consistently gave of himself and his resources to others and sought no recognition for having done so.  The consummate geologist and paleontologist, Dr. Boyd fully recognized his time on earth was only a speck of time in this planet’s history.  He endeavored to make a difference during his time.  His only regret in life was that he was unable to repay all he had been given.

Remembrances should be directed to either to the Geology Excellence Fund or to the Department of Family of Consumer Sciences Endowment, both in care of the University of Wyoming Foundation, 222 South 22nd Street, Laramie, WY 82070. Both endowments were established by Don and Margaret Boyd in 2001.

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9 Comments To "Donald W. Boyd"

#1 Comment By Hugh McFadden On April 11, 2020 @ 8:31 pm

Dr. Boyd, thank you for all you taught me and for the shining example of a life well lived.

Hugh McFadden

#2 Comment By James Mark Renner On April 12, 2020 @ 8:16 am

I am extremely saddened by Don’s passing, as are all who knew and loved him. He was a mentor at a crucial time for me; he encouraged me to do things I did not know I could do, and then helped me to do them. He did everything with modesty, humor and grace. He had a wickedly keen memory for poems and loved to break out a favorite stanza at appropriate times. To say he will be missed is an extraordinary understatement. Thank you, Dr. Boyd, for all that you have done; you will be remembered forever and sorely missed.

#3 Comment By Jeff Rose On April 12, 2020 @ 10:29 am

What an extraordinary, good and humble man. I am blessed to have known him, and thankful that someone I admired so, considered me a friend.

#4 Comment By Anonymous On April 13, 2020 @ 8:43 am

This remembrance of Don epitomizes all that he was to so many. He had a rapier wit, human decency, intelligence and humanity. A life well lived! Sandy Adams

#5 Comment By Victoria Keller On April 13, 2020 @ 10:29 am

Don’s love for nature, science, and geology were only surpassed by his compassion and generosity to others. I feel so honored to have known him. He will be deeply missed.
Victoria Keller

#6 Comment By Robin Daley On April 13, 2020 @ 4:19 pm

It was my great privilege to have had Dr Boyd as a mentor, advisor, teacher, and friend. His quiet, dry wit and kind soul, in addition to his deep love for science, fostered the best in his many students. He was one of the most influential people in my life. Thanks always, Don!

#7 Comment By Arnie and Wanda Willems On April 14, 2020 @ 7:58 am

Don was a new friend and a good one. He had a wide range of life experiences which he shared thoughtfully and with good humor. He will be missed at our annual Thanksgiving dinners!

#8 Comment By Tom Mast On April 16, 2020 @ 4:28 pm

Truly, one of finest men I had the pleasure of knowing in my life. God bless you.

#9 Comment By Tracey Lynch On August 27, 2020 @ 9:14 am

Thanks to the late Dr. Don Boyd for his generous scholarship gift to the students of Newark High School “A Call To College” in his hometown of Newark, Ohio.
What an amazing life story. It was evident he was respected and loved by his students and friends.

Jesse Stuart “I am firm in my belief that a teacher lives on and on through his students. Good teaching is forever and the and the teacher is immortal.”