Clarence Unruh

Clarence Unruh, 90, of Laramie died on June 7, 2024.

Graveside services will be held at Greenhill Cemetery on August 6, at 1:00PM.

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Condolences (11)

  • soni huffman

    Laura, I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I know that you brought him great pride and joy.

  • Dan Nelson

    RIP Clarence. Missed his obituary. Can one direct me to it? Thanks! Dan

  • Jim & Ro Peak

    My mind is filled with sweet memories of Clarence. I had math first period with Mr. Unruh. We always prayed for a fight before school because, as vice principal, Clarence would have to deal with the fighters and we would have to an office secretary monitor our class — NO math. When I began teaching for ACSD#1, Clarence was one of the first administrators to welcome me. I saw Clarence at many UW sporting events and he always greeted me warmly or shook my hand.. He loved the school district and Wyoming sports. RIP my friend.

  • Rob Bress

    Mr. Unruh was unfailing kind to me whenever I encountered him. I appreciated his calm and compassionate way and always enjoyed running into him.

  • MariAn Bixler Turner

    My condolences to his family - I remember him as a kind churchgoer who was always laughing and smiling with my father during church gatherings and I know he will be missed. May they be laughing together in heaven! God’s Peace to all.

  • Arnold and Wanda Willems

    We remember Clarence as a kind, considerate, and generous man. This world needs many more like him. Arnie and Wanda Willems

  • Sharon Ann Ryan Hand

    To the Unruh family. So very sorry for your loss

  • Jill Collins

    Laura Kay, so sorry to read about your dad's passing. Deepest condolences.

  • Tori Campbell

    Clarence was an incredible person and he made the world a better place. He will be missed by many.

  • Patti Hulett Sanchez

    My condolences to his family and friends. RIP Mr Unruh

  • Judy Adams

    Clarence was my principal when I started teaching at Laramie Junior High school in 1969. He was a remarkable person who enjoyed working for the school district. He loved his family and Wyoming sports. Condolences to his wife and daughter


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