Aaron Joseph Stark

On March 10th, 2025, Aaron Joseph Stark (43) left a hole in the hearts of everyone that knew

him, when he succumbed to his battle with MS and PTSD. Though his time with us was far too short, we find comfort in knowing that his suffering has come to an end. In the silence of his absence, we are reminded that he is now free—free from pain, free from the struggles he faced, and free to embrace the peace that he so rightfully deserves. His spirit lives on in the love he gave, and though our hearts ache, we take solace in the thought that he is at rest, surrounded by the peace he always sought. He was loved by so many and will be greatly missed.

Aaron was born to Susan Fereday and Arthur Stark on January 22,1982 in Provo Utah. He was

a smiling curious young boy who always had a twinkle his eye that left you wondering what he

was up to. He had the largest heart and would help anyone in need, he could talk to anyone

and everyone but most of all he was fiercely protective of those he loved. He loved collecting animals and always had a dog and/or cats.  He had a unique sense of humor and loved to tease his siblings and nieces and nephews.

He was naturally athletic and played basketball, football and baseball throughout school. At the

age of 17 he received his GED and signed with the National Guard. During his time of service,

he completed 2 tours with his unit the 1st Battalion 211th Aviation to the Middle East for Operation Enduring Freedom. He was proud to be a veteran that had a great love for America, our freedoms and what it stands for. After retiring from the National Guard, he was a jack of all trades working primarily in fabrication and plumbing, however, there wasn’t much he couldn’t figure out how to do.

In 2010 he became a father to Gamble. He was a devoted father that shared his passions

of fishing, shooting, Jeeps, and love of America. He loved watching him play sports and was

proud of his accomplishments and the young man he is.

Aaron leaves behind his son Gamble Stark, his parents Susan (Andre) Fereday, Arthur (Sharon)

Stark, his siblings Amy (Mark) Owens, Art (Yan) Stark, Alan (Emily) Stark, Laura (Cameron)

Dory, his stepsiblings Riley Whiteman, Cameron (Kate Diane) Whiteman, and Emily (Kyle)

Crozier, along with his many nieces and nephews that he loved fiercely.

Memorial services will be held March 29, 2025, at 11:00 at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 3311 Hayford Avenue Laramie WY 82072. A Luncheon will follow.

In lieu of flowers we ask that donations be made to Wounded Warriors at support.woundedwarriorproject.org or MS at engage.mymsaa.org

I look for you in all the things that you loved……..that is where I find you.

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