Frank Schreckengost, Jr. passed away unexpectedly on February 10, 2022. He was born February 3, 1946, to Frank and Imogene Schreckengost. At 18 he married the love of his life, Judith and welcomed four children; Susan, Frank III, Shanna and Michael. He loved fishing and hunting and in his free time he would spend hours working on and restoring classic cars. For 45 years Frank spent his life touching lives through coaching and teaching. As an educator he taught all levels of mathematics, including AP classes at Laramie Middle School, Laramie High School and LCCC. In addition to teaching, he also worked as an administrator at the middle school, high school, and Rock River. He was animated in the classroom striving to give the students the best atmosphere to learn. His classroom door was always open before and after school to give students extra help or a place to sit and chat. Frank was awarded the ACEA Teacher of the Year for 1993 – 1994. He coached basketball, football, cross country and track and field, providing not only support as a coach, but also a life mentor. In 1995 he was awarded Coach of the Year for Track and Field. He will be forever remembered for “minus five,” “kick the tires and light the fires” and “I don’t give A’s, you earn them.” He was preceded in death by his parents, Frank and Imogene Schreckengost, his brother David Schreckengost and his son Frank Schreckengost III. He is survived by his loving wife of 57 years, Judith; his daughters, Sue (Ken) Emery, Shanna (Jim) Dahl, son Michael (Tatjana) Schreckengost, daughter-in-law Terry Schreckengost, 11 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Arrangements were handled by Montgomery Stryker Funeral home. As per Frank’s request no services will be held.
Twenty-some years after being in Shreck's class and running on the cross-country team, I still have his voice play in my head daily. The optimism and hope that he brought with mentoring changed the way I see the world. I am grateful that I was able to learn from such a great person. My condolences to "Ma" Shreck and the rest of the family. LHS class of 2000
Just found out about Mr. Schreckengosts passing. He was a great man, a great teacher, and a great coach. He touched so many lives. May he rest in peace...
All I can say is SHRECK!!! What a wonderful person! He always had a smile and made me laugh. I know that he did the same for others. I know that God is pleased to have him.
Wonderful man. Frank was my 7th grade basketball coach, my 8th grade football coach and math teacher. I learned more about life from him than just about any other teacher I had and I feel fortunate to have known him. My condolences to his family.
Schreck was just a superb teacher who was loved by his students. I was fortunate to teach at LHS at the same time and always looked forward to his smile and wonderful sense of humor. He was special.
Amazing teacher and wonderful neighbor. He will be missed. Abby (Hays) Huston Rick Hays
My condolences to his family. Mr. Schreck was my favorite teacher and was always there when I needed help. He was a great man and helped so many. Thanks for all you did. May you RIP. Forever grateful Nate Pena
He was my favorite teacher in High School and then I was very great full when I had him again in college. He made learning fun. Sending pray for comfort to his family and friends!
Best teacher I've ever had. My condolences to the entire family.
So sorry to see this! One on my favorite teachers in junior high❤️❤️
My condolences go out to the Schreckengost family during this very difficult time. He will be forever remembered for the kindness and the lives he touched through his educating.
I have very fond memories of my time with Mr. Screckengost. He was an excellent math teacher and super fun coach. I can hear his voice yelling my name with an endearing tone!! Haha! May God’s peace and comfort be with his family. ❤️
So sorry to here of Frank's passing. Our condolences to Judy and family. I always enjoyed working with Frank and watching him move into administration. He will be missed, not only by his family, but all of the lives of the students he touche. Bob & Verl-Lee Ely
I have very fond memories of my time with Mr. Schreck. He was fantastic math teacher and truly a fun coach. I can hear his voice yelling my name with an endearing tone! ? Praying for God’s comfort and peace for the family. Sincerely, Sarah (Carter) Rowley
The original Schreck. He was legendary. I hated Math, but still tell stories about him 25 years after graduating from LHS. He was a real life Pigpen, who was followed around the hallways by a cloud of chalkdust, from wiping the boards with his hands and then wiping his hands on his pants - often after drawing terrible stick figure chicken scratches to illustrate equations. He would very seriously tell us how he should have been an Art teacher (though you could see him smiling behind that 'stache) and often launch into stories about the neighbors with chickens or how he and his super smart Math friends once started a Flat Earth society as a joke. I blame them for the surge of adherents to those in recent decades. Schreck's class was never boring and the zany stories and antics made the difficult Math he taught delightful to learn, in spite of our best attempts at teenage angst and apathy. The world is brighter and smarter because of him.... in spite of the Flat Earthers.
Coach Schreck was such a powerful and positive force and will forever be an icon at LHS…. His son Mike is my best friend and is a reflection of his fathers strength, determination and goodness. My heart and thoughts go out to Ma Schreck, Mike, Shana and all his family and loved ones, he will be sorely missed… vr Rob Schabron
So very sorry. I enjoyed teaching 8th math with Frank. We had many fun experiences together The family lost two beloved members within a few months. So sorry for you all. Take care
Mr. Schreckengost was one of my math teachers in junior high, during what must have been the beginning of his career. I have always remembered his kindness.
Frank was a wonderful colleague and friend in our years in education. He was always so upbeat and friendly to everyone. He had a great sense of humor and always made everyone around him feel good. The world is a better place because of our friend, Schreck. Condolences to his family RIP
I was honored and blessed to have known and worked with Frank for many years at LHS. He was a great teacher, friend, and a very special person in my life. My sincere condolences to you and your family Judith.
Frank was my boss WAY back when at the University of Wyoming landscaping, a summer job. He was my boss for only a short while, but I still remember what a pleasant experience it was for me. This was circa 1975. Roland Peterson
I will always smile when I think of this dear man. Fantastic LHS teacher, who helped me so much. Please accept my condolences on your loss. RIP Schreck
"What doesn't kill you, Only makes you stronger!" "Kick the tires, and light the Fires. " "Now you see us, now you don't.".... These are all quotes I remember hearing from Coach Schrek my sophomore, through senior years. He was the best coach I've ever had. I'll never forget him asking me to join the Cross Country team, right after finishing the Happiness 5K. That decision changed everything in Highschool for me. Schrek was an inspiration to me and always brought the best out of us, on and off the course. My thoughts and condolences to "Ma Schrek" and family.
Schreck, an amazing and memorable high school teacher! Spunky, kind and caring to all of his students! I have shared fond memories of my Algebra 1 and 2 days with my children. I will never forget, "the power of the " -5" when there was snark form a student (NEVER me, haha). I spent hours and hours before and after school reviewing class material with him. He must have worn weary of me, but always was there to coach me on with a kind and calm presence. Thank you Mr. Schreckengost, thank you! Christy (Walker) Davis LHS class of '88
Coach Shreck, or just "Shreck", was how we knew him. He was a great man that truly cared about high school kids. I am so grateful to have had him in my life for 4 wonderful years. The memories I have today because of him cannot be replaced. We will miss you Coach. Kick the Tires and Light the Fires! Tim Williams LHS class 2001
Mrs schrek, I'm so sorry for your loss. Lhs graduate, class of 81
Our condolences ?